Video series "Insights for the Journey"
This video series captures emerging insights into the question "how do we reinvent existing, traditional organizations?" There are 130 short videos, each one exploring one insight into how such journeys can unfold. It's a self-paced masterclass for organizational leaders as well as consultants and facilitators.
Teal newsletter
One day I received the surprising and wonderful news that a number of readers felt called to create "Enlivening Edge", a newsletter and website that aims to share and reference the news in the space of organizations going "teal". Here it is!
Watch & ListenI'm not a frequent speaker at conferences or in the media, so you might enjoy some talks and interviews that were recorded, as well as an interesting summary of the book.
PowerpointsIf you want to give a presentation related to the ideas of Reinventing Organizations, here are a few powerpoints I've used and some that other readers have put together. |