About the author (Frederic Laloux)I live a simple life, spending much time with my children and with Helene, my wife, and when I can in the silent presence of trees. I’m blessed in so many ways, one of which has been the way my book “Reinventing Organizations” has resonated with people all over the world. I realize it is an extraordinary privilege to feel that my work is work of the soul, work I was inspired to do. And that, on top, this work has found a way to inspire so many other people, is truly a gift of a lifetime.
I’m humbled, honored and overjoyed hearing from many readers who spontaneously put something in place to help the book’s ideas reach a wider audience. Feel free to do the same! This book now belongs to you as much as to anyone else. I don’t travel much at all, and only in the rarest of cases do I give a talk or advise organizations around the ideas of Reinventing Organizations. Right now I'm working full time on The Week, a project that has brought tens of thousands of people to grapple with the climate emergency and to join the mobilization to write a new and better chapter for the next decades. Check it out! Thank you for your interest in me and my work. Be well! |