Quite a few readers have given presentation in their communities or to their clients about the insights from Reinventing Organizations. Or made illustrations, or written a synthesis. Isn't that amazing?
Some have shared their documents with me, so that I could make them available here in an open source fashion. The idea is that other people - you? - can borrow ideas, picture or entire slides from these decks, if you want.
And here is a German version of slides I've used (more of my slides translated into German by a reader below), a Spanish version, a French version, and a Russian version. (They come from different presentations, so some slides are included in some languages and not in others)
Here is a photo rich slide deck put together by Miriam Gilbert from Coincidencity that goes into quite some depth about the book. (available as pdf and ppt)
This is a mural, a large illustration of the book! Here is a link to the original, high quality file! Thank you Katherine Woods for making this drawing, and for paying someone to make a high quality scan to offer this to the community!