I used to have a page with person THANK YOUs for everyeone who helped in some ways bring the book and its ideas to do its work in the world. And then it became so big I couldn't keep up. I'm a bit sad about it but it's a wonderful sign of course that this work is resonating so largely. So even if you are not mentioned here by name, know I'm so grateful for how you participated in this unfolding.
All those among you who have decided to go "teal" with your organization, and are / will become an example that others want to emulate
EVERYONE who joined in the wikithon to make the wiki a reality. And Chris Clark for being my buddy in this adventure
Monia Ben Larbi for bringing the decisive energy to the table to make the online conversation platform happen
Seamus Kennedy for offering to create an Audiobook for Reinventing Organizations and spending the hours and hours it takes to make it happen!
Isabelle Normand for putting me in touch with Etienne Appert. And thank you Etienne for such a joyful and easy collaboration on a project yet to be announced :-)
Jean-Sébastien Pigeau for offering free coaching sessions to prepare talks about the book.
Helene for suggesting the talk at Flagey in Brussels.
Edith Degrendel for the vision of creating a business game based on the book.
A big thanks to Marek Konieczniak for having translated parts of the book into Polish and contact a local agent that lead to the publishing of the book in Poland.
Guibert del Marmol for your thoughts and contacts to spread this work.
John Oliver, Julian Thomson and Matthew Mezey for being thought partners in the idea to launch a wiki platform about advanced management practices.
Dennis Brunotte for putting together such a professional dossier to secure a German translation.
Adam Banko, Adam Pfenninberger and Gergely Orban for preparing a Hungarian speaking book summary.
Lisa Doig for offering me a great coaching session to help me live more fully and spread this work more powerfully
In the book, I thank many people that have helped me in the research and in the writing of the book.
Since the release of the book, I’ve been humbled, honored and overjoyed hearing from many readers who spontaneously put something in place to help the book’s ideas reach a wider audience. I've come to see that the book isn't mine anymore, but belongs to all of you who want to run with it and help it do its work in the world. Thank you. I've probably forgotten quite a few people that I should thank here too. If you feel overlooked, let me know :) And of course a big thank you to all of you who have told friends and colleagues about the book, or write about it in your social media so others get a chance to know about it.
Robert Masters for your thoughts on marketing and the conversations on self-management
Thank you Sanja Timarac for contacting publishers in Croatia.
Thanks to Harm van Berkum, Bob Eugelink, Ivo Valkenburg, Maria Sturm and Jan De Keyser who all spontaneously reached out to dutch-speaking publishers. With so much enthusiasm, something will work out :-)
Mathieu Verougstraete for creating opportunities to schedule talks to be filmed.
Marc Luyckx, Thomas Gérard, John VC, Patrick Collignon and Sebastien Henry who put the book in the hands of French publishers.
A big thank you to Erik Mandersloot for gifting me a channeling session.
George Por, Matthew Mezey and co for creating Enlivening Edge, a newsletter related to the ideas in the book. I wouldn't have had the drive to do it, this is such a gift!